Wiederheirat Leslie McFall

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Wiederheirat Leslie McFall      15. Mai 2018
Ein 195 Seiten grosses Dokument. Beim Überfliegen hat mich folgendes „angesprungen“. Ich habe einige markante Stellen frei übersetzt, so gut ich sie verstehe.
Seite 7
What does a divorce certificate reveal about you to other Christians and your local church?
Was offenbart eine Scheidungsurkunde über dich, anderen Christen und deiner Gemeinde?

It reveals that you do not have the Spirit of Christ within you (so why are you taking Communion?).
Es offenbart, dass du den Geist Jesus nicht in dir hast. (warum nimmst du denn das Abendmahl?).

It reveals that you are not prepared to forgive certain kinds of sins; that there are exceptive
clauses in your idea of forgiveness (so why do you think Jesus has forgiven you?).
Es offenbart, dass du nicht bereit bist, gewisse Sünden zu vergeben. Sie sind in deiner Vorstellung von der Vergebung ausgenommen. Warum glaubst du denn, dass Jesus dir vergeben hat?

It reveals that your mindset is no different from that in the unbeliever; that you behave as
someone who has more in common with the world than you have with Christ (so why do you think
you are a Christian?).
Es offenbart, dass deine geistige Haltung sich nicht von den Ungläubigen unterscheidet; dass du dich benimmst, wie einer, der mehr Gemeinsamkeiten mit der Welt hat als mit einem Christ. (warum glaubst du denn ein Christ zu sein?).

Finally, it reveals ignorance of what your Saviour has revealed about the sanctity of marriage
Letztendlich offenbart es deine Ignoranz dessen, was der Retter offenbart über die Heiligkeit der Ehe.

Christians, who are in an obedience relationship with the Lord Jesus, know that obedience is
the test whether they truly love Him. “If you love Me, you will obey My commands.”
Christen, welche in einer gehorsamen Beziehung zu Jesus Christus sind, wissen, dass Gehorsam der Test ist, ob sie ihn lieben. „Wenn du mich liebst, haltest du meine Gebote.

 If you are ignorant of Jesus’ commands, and claim to be a Christian, and are taking Communion, and yet areactively seeking to divorce your partner, you bring shame on your local church.
Wenn du die Befehle von Jesus ignorierst und behauptest Christ zu sein, und nimmst teil am Abendmahl, trotzdem die Scheidung von deinem Partner suchst, bringst du Schande über deine Gemeinde.

Whoever takesCommunion “in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body blood of the Lord.” You compound your sin of seeking a divorce by taking the Lord’s Supper in an unworthy and unspiritual state.
Wer in unwürdiger Weise am Abendmahl teilnimmt, ist schuldig am Blut von Jesus Christus

Thosewho do this bring judgment on themselves, “not discerning the Lord’s body.”
Wer dies tut, bringt Gericht über sich selbst, weil er den Leib Jesu nicht erkennt.

A divorce certificate does not just divorce you from your partner, it also divorces you from
your God.
Eine Scheidungsurkunde scheidet dich nicht nur von deinem Partner, es scheidet dich auch von deinem Gott. 

The two things go together. Your divorce certificate is also your spiritual death certificate.
Beides gehört zusammen. Deine Scheidungsurkunde ist auch die Urkunde deines geistigen Todes.

If you would choose life with Christ, then the sooner you tear it up and return to your forgiven, adulterous partner, the sooner you will have Life within you once again.
Wenn du ein Leben mit Christus wählst, wirst du umso früher wieder geistiges Leben in dir haben, wie du die Scheidungsurkunde zereisst.

No adulterer will enter or inherit
heaven, and no one in a second marriage, whose first spouse is still alive, will enter or inherit heaven.
Kein Ehebrecher wird ins Himmelreich eingehen oder es erben, und keiner in einer zweiten Ehe, dessen Partner noch am Leben ist wird ins Himmelreich eingehen.

Be rid of your second marriage, terminate it, if you would see Jesus again, and if you truly desire to
enter the Kingdom of God as a born-again believer.
Mach dich los, von deiner zweiten Ehe, beende sie wenn du Jesus wieder sehen willst, und wenn du ehrlich wünschst, als Wiedergeborener ins Reich Gottes einzugehen.

Seite 74
So long as there has been no physical, sexual union between them, what Scripture terms ‘one flesh’ (coitus), they can free themselves to marry other persons..
Solange die geschlechtliche Vereinigung nicht stattgefunden hat, was die Bibel nennt ein Fleisch geworden sind, können sie sich aus dieser Verbindung lösen und eine andere Person heiraten.

But once they have lawfully become ‘one flesh’ (i.e., consummated the marriage) then they are married for life in the eyes of God (and the State). And what God has joined together no State divorce court can separate
Aber sobald sie die Ehe vollzogen haben (ein Fleisch geworden) sind sie in den Augen Gottes (und der Welt) verheiratet für ihr ganzes Leben. Und was Gott zusammengefügt hat, kann keine irdische Instanz trennen.


141 Jesus revealed that when the woman of Deut 24:2 entered into her second marriage,
unknowingly, she was committing adultery, as was the man who married her, because in the eyes of
God and the Son of God, she was still married to her first husband, because the document he put into
her hand had no status (legal or otherwise) in God’s eyes. It was a man-made set-up, which Jesus
exposed and then demolished in Matthew 19:9, so that those entering God’s New Covenant would
have to abide by a new appreciation of marriage. It was not really ‘new,’ as Jesus was quick to point
out, because it had been in existence before Moses made regulations to control the evil consequences of the sin of divorce. It is to the standard of Gen 2:24 that all Christians must rise to if they are to lead a life pleasing to God.
142 God does not follow the metaphor of marriage and divorce to its conclusion in Deut 24:4. He
chooses to adapt it to suit His own teaching on marriage as a permanent covenant between man and
wife. ……………….


Seite 107
6.1.1. Luke 16:18 (Jesus’ absolutist position)
Luke 16:18 reads: “Every husband divorcing his wife, and marrying another woman, commits
adultery. And every man marrying a divorced wife, he commits adultery.”172
This stark statement leaves no wriggle room to avoid the evil consequences of attempting to
dissolve what only death can dissolve.
There can be no doubt about the mind of the Lord Jesus on the issue of divorce, namely, there
are no grounds whatsoever to divorce a wife or a husband. God handed over to His Son the
governance of all men on the earth. All men are now under an obligation to listen to, and obey the
new teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ on divorce and remarriage, and apply it to their lives. Jesus’
teaching, abolishing the man-made institution of divorce for all time to come, is the new standard of
righteousness that is required of all men everywhere if they are to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus’
teaching on divorce is a fully integrated element of what constitutes the Gospel. A Gospel missing
His teaching on divorce is another gospel, and a false gospel.


Seite 108
……Jesus is not creating a lawful cause to divorce a wife. He is creating a lawful case to be exempt
from the blame of her losing her clean status. This lawful case is independent of the last statement, which states that any marriage with a divorced person, male or female, is an adulterous relationship. This new law is not open to a single exception. No class is exempt from its reach. It reaches from the
throne to the shanty-shack.
All remarriages after the death of a spouse are lawful.
All remarriages after the divorce of a spouse are unlawful.
On these two statements hang the entirety of Jesus’ teaching on divorce and remarriage.

Seite 109
Once it is realised that Jesus is sitting in judgment on anyone who divorces his wife then this
should put the spotlight on culpability, not on looking to see if Jesus’ words can be manipulated to
get an excuse to divorce one’s wife. Jesus is issuing a dire warning of eternal damnation to anyone who divorces his wife.

Jesus warnt jeden dringend vor der ewigen Verdammnis, der sich von seiner Frau scheidet.

S. 127
……. Where divorce is, there is Satan; where Satan is, there is divorce. Satan loves divorce. God
hates divorce. Satan separates couples. God binds couples. They are opposed one to the other at all
levels, and this deadly opposition is mirrored in their respective citizens on Earth. ‘Whoever is not for
Me is against Me,’ said Jesus. There is no neutral position. By default all human beings are born
citizens of Satan’s kingdom, and he will control their minds so long as they live a natural life. He will
determine their moral standards through the powers that be (redefining what marriage is), and
moulding the minds of his infants through parents who owe their allegiance to him, and also by
abiding in his citizens.
Before every human being dies they must escape from Satan’s kingdom and come under the
control of Christ, and allow Him to determine their moral standards by abiding in them. This is the
central thought and goal behind the endeavours of every evangelist. Every world religion and
philosophy is a means of holding Satan’s citizens together under his control. He cares not what they
believe so long as they are zealous for it, for in that zeal they are sealed citizens


Meine Schlussfolgerung
Vor Gott beginnt die Ehe nicht mit der irdischen Heirat, sondern mit der ersten geschlechtlichen Vereinigung. Wird diese Ehe gebrochen, wartet auf beide Beteiligte die ewige Verdammnis, wenn sie nicht Busse tun und aufhören zu sündigen.